If you are shipping food or have a business that needs rapid storage and shipping. Thought about how you can ensure the freshness and safety of your product as it reaches the destination without knowing? A tray sealer can save your day. They provide air-tight and tamper-evident packaging that ensures shelf life without affecting freshness. There are only so many of them available, though, so how do you select the one that will be just perfect for your business?
Do you need speed, flexibility, or energy savings in packaging? You are able to get the best quality in your product and productivity with the right machine. In this part of the guide, we are going to take you through the major points to enable you to make the most suitable choice and get an economical and efficient process of packaging.
Consider whether you are sealing perishables(meat, fish) or non-perishables. Seal perishables and maintain freshness using tray sealing machines and MAP technology or low-technology alternative for non-perishables.
Select a machine according to your level of production. Large-scale production companies require quick, high-speed machines, but small business companies can utilize speed-controllable machines for low-profile production requirements.
Make sure the machine can hold your tray material (plastic, biodegradable) and tray size. An adjustable mold machine is better since you will not need to interchange tray sizes at an extra cost.
Select machines that come with automatic pressure seals, time, and temperature. They will reduce labor, reduce errors, and make the production more efficient by making processes uniform and more efficient.
Select an energy-efficient machine to reduce running cost. Maintenance-easy machines have less maintenance hours and expenses, and performance guarantees effective, long-term production.
You would be aware of these factors in order to select a tray sealing machine appropriate for your business needs.
Food processing will have to be food safety- and health-compliant. Certain issues of concern to watch out for are enumerated as follows.
Just like any industrial equipment, tray sealing machines also will start malfunctioning. Some of the usual malfunctions and the fix for the same are as under.
The choice of the right supplier is as important as the choice of the ideal machine. Go through the following items to decide.
Efficiency and quality call for a suitable tray sealing machine. For consistent solutions, rely on Linpack's business know-how and tailor-made machines can suit your company's needs.
Call Linpack today to get effective tray sealing machines! Email: sales@linpack.com | Tel: +86 13336953721 | Address: Wenzhou, China.
Read Our One More Blog(1): How to Find The Best Liquid Packaging Machines for Your Business?
Read Our One More Blog(2): How Liquid Packaging Machines are Transforming the Packaging Industry